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Book ZR Dance London

Themed Flashmobs

Do you want to make a song and dance out of your product launch or event? ZR Dance London Themed Flashmobs are a fun way to ensure that you get everyone to notice you! Flashmobs are also great fun for a wedding or any event where you want to add a bit of fun and the element of surprise.

Flashmob surprises usually start incognito, with dancers dressed as passers-by, employees and waiters. The performers start dancing one by one to the music until it turns into a full-on performance in the middle of the street, office, stage or public venue. You can book a flashmob with as few as 6 dancers, or up to 50 dancers depending on the room size, impact required and budget.

ZR Dance London Themed Flashmobs will choreograph and plan the surprise with you down to the last detail. If you want anyone else to join in the surprise, you can even organise a workshop for your guests to get a bigger crowd going.

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Make a song and dance of your event

Book up to 50 professional dancers

Bespoke themes available

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ZR Dance London Themed Flashmobs’s previous clients:

Ministry of Sound
EMI Music
Dog’s Trust
Skinny Tan
Private events including weddings and award ceremonies

Video of ZR Dance London Themed Flashmobs

Book ZR Dance London Themed Flashmobs

Want to find out more? Give us a call on

+44 (0) 203 0624040

or hit the button below.

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