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Book Penguins Abroad

Walkabout Penguins

Penguins Abroad are street theatre walkabout act comprising of animatronic puppetry walkabout Penguins. These Walkabout Penguins are inspired by the late Jim Henson, who always had a group of holidaying penguins in the back ground of any exotically set Muppet Show sketch. The Penguins Abroad Walkabout Penguins are available as a pair or in the attention grabbing full flock effect. Complete with Hawaiian shirts, cameras, surf board and a ukulele, the Walkabout Penguins will waddle, nuzzle, purr and squawk their way round your event.

Penguins Abroad – Walkabout Penguins: Videos | Technical Specification | Previous Clients | Book for your event

Penguins Abroad will waddle, nuzzle, purr and squawk their way round your event

Inspired by Jim Henson, Penguins Abroad have an attention grabbing effect

Complete with Hawaiian shirts, cameras, surf board and a ukulele

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Here’s what Penguins Abroad – Walkabout Penguins ‘ clients said:

“They were fantastic! They were a real pleasure to work with and really helpful.”

Sarah Owen, Carmarthen BID

“I thought you were brilliant! You brought lots of colour to everyone’s day, watching everyone interact with you was amazing and the laughter never stopped, so thank you for making my job very easy.”

Rachel Fenely, Wheee! Festival


Penguins Abroad – Walkabout Penguins ‘ Technical Specification:

Steward required
Parking required
This act dislikes stairs!


Penguins Abroad – Walkabout Penguins ‘ Previous Clients:

The Red Dragon Shopping Centre
Cumban Shopping Centre
Nottingham City Council
Liverpool City Council
Cornbury Festival
Greenbelt Festival
Reading Town Council
Ludlow Assembley Rooms
The Quays Shopping Centre
Los Kao

Videos of Penguins Abroad – Walkabout Penguins

Book Penguins Abroad – Walkabout Penguins

Want to find out more? Give us a call on

+44 (0) 203 0624040

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