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Book Kelis


As a booking agency for Kelis we can book Kelis to perform at your event. Kellis is a multi award-wining American singer-songwriter selling over six million records worldwide and is best know for her hit singles “Milkshake” and “Capella”. Booking Kelis will be a big hit at any event.

Musical Destiny
Daughter of a jazz musician and fashion designer, Kelis was born in New York to the creative couple with music in her blood. Growing up in a culturally diverse background and being encouraged to learn the saxophone and violin she was already exposed to a world of creativity and passion and developed her talents further by singing in the church choir. With a desire to explore further, Kelis ended up moving out of her house at sixteen years old in order to attend LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts. Studying there compelled her to pursue a music career and after a brief time in a singing group, she left and set out on her own path.

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