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Book Kwabs

Neo-Soul Singer

Kwabs booking agency – as a booking agency for Kwabs we can arrange for Kwabs to perform at your event. Kwabs is a Neo-Soul singer whose song “Saved” was used in promotional trailers for BBC’s “The Musketeers” and “Walk” was used in ad for’s WeAreUs ad campaign.

Kwab has a mesmerising baritone voice voice that is a richly textured and full of gravitas, striking a balance between vulnerability and power. When he sings in East London’s sold-out Wilton Hall the audience are bewitched and give enthusiastic feedback with an abundance of cheers and excitement rippling through the crowds. This is particularly special, seeing as Kwabs has released only a handful of songs to date. But his incredible vocals and potential show it is only natural.

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Book Kwabs

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